HSH, s.r.o.

Royal chicken

It is always bred on Slovak farms, fed with natural feed only. It doesn’t know any growth hormones or antibiotics and it has got plenty of rest and freedom.

We have entered the market with our Royal Chicken in 2010.

It is Royal for the way it is bred. It lives in halls with deep bedding, with all day access to food and water without any growth hormones or antibiotics. It has got an extended fattening period.


Importantly, the area where our chickens are kept is half as crowded and so they have enough space for living. As a result, chickens are not squeeze together and cannibalism or internal injuries that can cause blood clots are prevented.

Royal Chickens have enough rest in the hall – by having a light routine, meaning having a day and a night.

All of this means that Royal Chicken lives in a good atmosphere which is why it’s meat is very tasty and appreciated by those who are interested having a healthy, quality diet.